Dress Code

Gower's Standard School Attire

  • Gower students may wear any solid color shirts with a collar.  All shirts must have a collar and can be short or long sleeves.
  • Students may also wear any shirt that was purchased from the Gower PTO or provided by the school with the school's logo or supports a school-sponsored program.
  • All pants, shorts, capri pants, skirts, or skorts must be navy blue, black, or any shade of khaki.  Leggings, jeggings, and sweat pants ARE NOT allowed unless worn under appropriate shorts, skorts, skirts, or dresses.  Pants must be made of dress material.  Warm-up pants are not allowed.
  • All shirts must be properly buttoned.  Shorts, skirts, and pants must be worn at the waist.  Sagging is not allowed.
  • Solid blue denim will be allowed everyday, without holes or rips.
  • Only Gower hoodies are allowed to be worn inside the building.
  • No holes, rips, or torn pants or shirts may be worn.

The purpose of our dress code is to help create a distraction-free learning environment where all students can receive an excellent education.  Please help us accomplish this goal by ensuring your child is properly dressed for school.  As always, you may call the school 615-353-2012 and we will be happy to answer any questions.

If you need additional support with SSA, please contact our School Counselors, Dwyla Harris or Doreen Stoner, our Social Worker, Ashley Rose, or our School Secretary, Emilie Crow.